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Juno | Vocal | Roman Wollak

"The rock pipe from the Weinviertel"
Roman is known as “JUNO”, who has been involved in a number of band projects. Feels at home on stage like in his living room. He inspires the audience with his open, direct manner and encourages them to sing along and rock out.


Michi | Guit | Michael Peter


"The guitar nerd"

Build your own guitars and put a lot of pressure behind your ears with a creative setup! Happy to dispose of a set of guitar strings a month.




Anker 1

  Juno | Vocal     Michi | Guit        Claus | Bass      Geri | Guit   Valentin | Drums    


Claus | Bass | Claus Nedoschil


" The man on the bass"

Experienced and always in a good mood, Claus lays the "foundation" of the Roswell sound together with Valentin with his bass, which he affectionately calls "Das Brett".


Geri | Guit | Gerald Nagl


"The all-rounder"

Rhythm or lead? No problem for Geri the all-rounder who also picks up the microphone on some songs and supports Juno with a second voice.


Valentin | Drums | Valentin Wollak

"The Rookie"
Valentin is actually a drum computer because he knows every Foo Fighters song and fires it at the push of a button! Co-founder and drummer of the band “WOKE”

can't play quietly. no way!

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